When Sun Jifa lost both hands in a fishing-related accident and couldn’t afford new ones, he did what any thrifty do-it-yourselfer might do. HE MADE HIS OWN!
When Sun Jifa lost both hands in a fishing-related accident and couldn’t afford new ones, he did what any thrifty do-it-yourselfer might do. HE MADE HIS OWN!
It is possible in this age of One Year to a Healthier, Happier You, 40 Days to a Joy Filled Life, the Four Hour Workweek, and the The One Minute Manager, to recognize that most real achievement still takes time? Let’s face it, if you’re going to build a house,
Life can be a fun ride, but it’s even MORE fun when you actually get off and take a look around.
It’s autumn, and the weather’s been great! I’ve been lucky enough to be able to spend an unreasonable number of days outside with friends in the past few months. Those of you who know me may have trouble believing this, but I’ve spent a lot of time listening to them
Is Malcolm Gladwell wrong about his “10,000 hours” theory? Who cares! Like Yogi Berra said: “In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is”
As my pal Ian so clearly articulated last week, the political mudslinging leading up to election day has done a lot to make our public discourse less appealing. Much of our private discourse hasn’t been exactly full of generosity and support, either. But in the midst of all this grandstanding
It’s important to remember that if it doesn’t feel right, there’s a good chance it isn’t!
If you really want a way to get your ass into gear and to keep it there, specialize. Choose a profession, hobby or pastime that’s very specific, then set out to do everything that can be done, to learn everything that can be learned, within that specialty. Year in and